Saturday, November 16, 2013

Breakfast Club Trail Run - Twin Peaks, Ojai

The above photo is from one of the best dawn patrols I have done in a long time.  Twin Peaks is approximately 1,900 feet of climbing from the trailhead and requires around 35-40 minutes of sustained uphill running.  On top one is treated to views of the Pacific Ocean, the Channel Islands, the Oxnard Plain, Santa Monica Mountains and one of the best perspectives on the beautiful Ojai Valley. We left around 6 AM, Grant (in yellow) made us tea and scrambled eggs (he brought a camping stove along with Sierra cups, utensils, water and eggs) before we surfed the trail back down and headed to our classes.  These young men, Cooper, Grant and Jackson, have such a zest for life and are among my heroes.  Also along were Jim and Donald from Thacher.  Thanks guys for an awesome morning adventure!