You can see a time lapse of the sunrise on Black Rock Pass here.
The bivvy with the lights of Visalia and Exeter (San Juoaqin Valley).
The west side of Black Rock Pass
Noelani on Cliff Creek
Tim, the Kern River Valley and the Sierra Crest
7 Thacher Students;
6 days;
Incomparable sights of secluded cirques,
desolate passes,
trout dimpled lakes,
peppered with the sounds of laughter
and the quiet assuredness of camaraderie.
A bivouac on Black Rock Pass, with views of the sunset over the Coast Range, the lights of Visalia and Tulare,
and then sunrise over an expanse so great that Whitney and Langley are but blips on the horizon.
With colors and clarity that I have only known in the Sierra , Mineral King is among the most remarkable and varied regions of my beloved home range.